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Through his observation of the cranial bones and how they fit together, Dr William Sutherland (1873-1954), an American Osteopath came to understand that the cranium was not a fused unit but that it looked designed for movement. Through further research and experimentation he realised that a phenomenon he called the Breath Of Life was manifesting as a rhythmic impulse throughout all the body's systems and tissue layers. He also identified rhythms within rhythms ranging from the very physical to the deeply subtle. His clinical observations led him to see how pathology, trauma and emotional patterning distorted these rhythms. Dr Sutherland's findings have inspired many, both as practitioners as well as patients.




When a person is unwell, symptoms related to patterns of disturbance in the body, mind and emotions become manifest. To the trained hands these patterns can be felt as, for instance, areas of resistance, stagnations or imbalances. The role of the therapist is to recognise such areas through presence and touch. Once perceived and understood, these patterns can be released, allowing the health in the patient's system to flow and integrate. This 'Conscious' touch is a powerful skill to facilitate transformation and promote well-being. It could be said that such contact helps the individual's innate intelligence to 'kick in' and self heal. A patient may well ask: "But what are you listening to?" We are listening to the patient as a whole including the present response to past disturbances; it is these disturbances that have led to the present state. Due to its subtle nature, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST) is a great treatment modality for all ages, from the time of birth to the more senior years.




During the consultation, the patient remains fully clothed and is generally invited to lie on a treatment couch, although they may be asked to sit up if a specific approach is required. The treatment duration is usually 45 minutes but this may vary with individual cases. . Areas of special interest to Francoise are: the face, dental and TMJ issues, post surgery support as well as shock and trauma. Fundamentally, Biodynamic Craniosacral therapy (BCST) is about presence and listening, a sensitive listening and following through touch. When this happens, change occurs. With the practitioner’s hand contact and verbal skills, the patient is supported in a process of transformation. It is that simple and that amazing.

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